Tuesday, July 31, 2007

A Gig You're Going To Come To This Week Or I Will Judge You

I'm going to be there. The Missus is going to be there. Basically, anyone who's cool is going to be there. Do you think you're cool? Maybe, maybe not. If I look across the room at the John Street Thursday night and see you drinking a beer and howling for more Neil Poynter originals, I will deem you such. If you're not there... like, if you decide to stay home and watch MustSeeTV or something - you are most definitely not cool. In fact, you're impossibly lame. Sorry. My judgements are swift, accurate and ultimately final in these situations.

My buddy and next door neighbor Neil's got a gig this week. Info from his page is below. See you there...

Thursday, August 2nd, 9pm
Located at the John Street Grill
17 John Street, NYC
Come celebrate with friends and family of Cherokee Street. John Street is a cool pub in the financial district and the Arthouse makes its home in the back room. There's a nice open floor, cushy couches in the back, a separate bar, and a good sound system. Pay $10 at the door and come and go as you please during the night. I'll be kicking things off with an acoustic set at 9pm. This is a great room. Don't come alone. Bring someone you can get drunk and take home.

Monday, July 30, 2007

U2ube Video of the Week #5: "Stories For Boys"

Those of us who had "Boy" on both vinyl and cassete will remember "Stories For Boys" as the rambunctious and enigmatic closer of Side 1. In this TV appearance from January of 1980, Edge gives the introductory riff a deliciously flange-y flavor, Bono delivers vocals in a faux-British accent and Adam sports a flowy, fluorescent green v-neck sweater the way no straight man has before or since. Modern fans of the band will also notice that the "Hello, hello" of "Vertigo" wasn't all that original an idea.
The announcer describes the band as "the band of the future - the 80's or 90's, who knows". Hard to tell whether he's trying to take the piss out of them or not, but I'm sure he - along with the audience - had no idea at the time that such a grandiose introduction would actually end up being an understatement. Check out "Stories For Boys"...

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

My New Home Office

Wednesday, 1:02 pm - Sheep's Meadow, Central Park.

Decided to put the Park's wi-fi to the test. It works. And I now have a new base of operations for job-hunting.
...God, I love this town.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Saturday, Sunday, Monday and Today

Despite being up most of the night dealing with a loud, drunken melee outside our house- replete with brawls, gunshots, screeching car tires and several calls to 911 - The Missus and I started the day with butterflies in our bellies because we had tickets for the Gogol Bordello show at Irving Plaza that night. They have quickly become one of our favorite bands and their live shows are legendary, so we were beyond psyched to finally get to see them. Suffice to say, we were even more blown away than we had even imagined we could be. That show is now among my top one or two non-U2 shows of ALL TIME and The Missus officially lists it as her number one ever, which is saying a lot.

I haven't felt that kind of crowd unity since the hardcore shows of my youth. The place was on fire. People were ecstatic. The amount of energy coming both from the stage and the audience could have launched an Apollo mission. You could feel the very foundations of the venue shaking beneath the weight of our collective jumping, dancing, moshing and howling. It was wild, it was loud, it was positive and it was joyous. It was everything you'd expect from a band that plays gypsy-flavored punk with sprinkles of tarantella.

The only way to accurately give you a taste of the experience is to let you see for yourself. Below are links to some vids of the band in action. Take a moment to check them out. If they EVER make it to a town near you - GO.

"60 Revolutions"
"Not A Crime"
"Start Wearing Purple"


Sunday we laid low then finished the evening on the Poynters' porch. One of those perfect non-humid summer evenings that only comes along once in a while. The Missus put together a beautiful plate of fresh caprese, Neil made club sandwiches and we finished off several bottles of surprisingly-delicious-for-the-price malbec by Los Altos. After dinner, we downshifted into Pimm's with lemonade (something Kate developed a taste for on her most recent UK trip and a new summer fave around our house). Once the girls went to bed however, Neil and I remained outside, broke out the guitars and the Ardbeg and proceeded to have a longer night than we should have.


Started the day by being reminded that I'm not someone who can mix when I'm drinking. I gotta dance with the one that brung me, otherwise my body gives me shit about it the next day. I wasn't hungover per se, but I took the note and will try to keep it in mind next time.

Had a commercial audition for NY Lottery at 10:40 am and of course it was pissing rain. I arrived wet and uncomfortable and then tried to get myself in the headspace of having just won the lottery, which is what I was told I'd be doing in the audition. When they called me in to the room, they wanted me to pretend to be looking out over the railing of the Staten Island Ferry, gazing at the Statue of Liberty and "imagining the American dream". (?) Then I had to mime going into a bodega, scratching a lotto ticket, winning a million dollars and then reacting to it "subtly". You know, because that's a realistic reaction to have when you win a million bucks. It was totally awkward and weird - as most commercial auditions are - and I'd be very surprised if I got a callback.

Left the audition and got a call from the mechanic who was working on our car. First off, they were supposed to call me before they did anything, let me know what they thought the problem was and how much it would cost and proceed from there. No. He calls and tells me the car's done and that'll be $177.68, thank you very much.

It was all pretty much what you'd expect from a rainy Monday.


Um... yeah. Today... Uh... let's see. Well, more job-searching. That's about it. Though, I did hear today on NY1 that they've boosted the wi-fi signal in Central Park, so I may move my base of operations to the Sheep's Meadow for the remainder of the day. (AFTER I get in on the noon pre-sale of tickets to go see THESE GUYS. Shhhhhhhh........)

So, that's the scoop. Another week filled with who-knows-what.

I've gotta find a job soon...

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Some Things Brewing... Some Things Staying The Same

No job yet.

Still unemployed.

Meeting with the agent went very well. Having me back at the end of August when things are busier for a more "formal conversation".

MAJORLY MAJOR things about to happen with this. Will know full details by Friday.

Listening to: The National - "Boxer"
Eating: Oriental Flavor Ramen
Drinking: Albino Sauvignon Blanc
Reading: NYTimes.com jobs listings
Weather: Pissing
Feeling: Somewhere between here and there

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

"Make The Great Cleanliness Function": Special Notes From The Crack Basin

Queens is known for it's glut of 99 cent stores and the absolutely overwhelming variety of crap products you can purchase from them. Items range from bedsheets to placemats to AM/FM radios to socks to an assortment of foreign food-type items. And the quality of all of them is exactly what you'd expect.

Though I rarely frequent any of these stores, I will occasionally stop in for fairly foolproof staples like paper towels or sponges. Last week, I stopped in to buy some toilet bowl cleaner. The kind you leave in the tank that turns the water blue. Reliably, I found one called - generically enough - "Blue-Touch".

Now, common sense tells you that these products are made in other parts of the world and then shipped here. But, upon reading the directions for this particular item I noticed just how foreign a product I was really dealing with.

Below are two sections from the back panel of the packaging for the "Blue-Touch Toilet Bowl Cleaner & Air Freshener". Pretty impressive that they could invent something that does both. And for 99 cents, no less.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Hit The Links

Tuesday - so far...

  • Have an interview today for a job here.
  • And these guys are saying it's supposed to be really fuckin' hot. ...Awesome.
  • This was released today. I just bought it. You should too.
  • Other things released today that you should get include: this and this.
  • Neil and I watched this on the Documentary Channel over the weekend. You should try to catch it if they run it again. Spent the rest of the weekend listening to this and this.
  • Also caught the LiveEarth performance of THIS SONG, which sort of blew my mind. (At one point this was linking to fucking Kanye west for some reason. That was NOT correct.)
  • NO luck so far with either of these jagoffs.
  • Made plans yesterday with Krish to go here and hit a few some time this week. So, I've got that going for me. ...Which is nice.
  • Can't stop watching this video on YouTube. He's got a new album out, too. Which you should totally check out.
  • Going to another screening of this tonight, this time for an interested distributor.
  • As a general rule, but also especially when it's hot like this - make sure you drink plenty of this.

Peace ,


Saturday, July 07, 2007

U2ube Video of the Week #4: "Woman Fish"

Even most hardcore fans will have to say "What the fuck is THIS?" when they see this one. It's a song called "Woman Fish" and appears to have been performed on an Irish TV show some time during the recording of the Joshua Tree. Seems to be something they came up with during those sessions but it obviously never managed to make it onto the album. Odd that they would have performed something on television that they were still so ostensibly working out. More of a sketch than a true U2 song, but it's sonically interesting and Bono looks like a real rocker. It's also his first stab at playing the harmonica (and it shows). A bonafide oddity. Dig it...

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Happy Birthday, America.

For your birthday this year, I bought you a t-shirt with your name on it. Wasn't sure about the size, but it's got your favorite colors so I figured it was a pretty safe bet. Have a super day. Hope you're having a party or going to Applebee's or something nice like that to celebrate.

I know how much you love Applebee's...