Tuesday, September 09, 2008

(sigh)... I'm Back

Details later.

For now, read this.


Anonymous said...
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It Must Be Aaron said...

"Liberal tree hugging hippie piece of shit"?

I don't even know where to start. First, the fact that you think I'm a hippie tells me right off the bat you don't know who the fuck I am, you gutless ANONYMOUS worm. What's the deal? You just spend your days trolling blogs looking for tree hugging hippies?

I know people like you are afraid of someone like Obama because he's smart. People like you call it "elitist", but really it's just smart. And intelligence is a frightening thing to backwards-ass conservative douchebags like yourself who use words like "fag" in a desperate attempt to deflect their own latent homosexuality.

Obama's going to win, asshole. Deal with it. America's one-way ticket back to the 1950's has been voided and you single-cell fuckin' troglodytes are just gonna have to suck it up.


D.C. Lutz said...

I was going to say, "welcome back". But I guess someone already did.